Working with Aubrey + Areegra is a collaborative process. From strategy to campaign, we work closely with you to capture your brand’s unique message and craft it into something meaningful.

Here’s how we work with clients to deliver the very best results:

1.         Introduction

It’s time to get to know your business. Every project starts with an initial chat (approx. 30 mins) where we talk about your business, your marketing goals and the challenges to be solved.

2.         The Creative Brief

After our initial discussion, we put all the details of your project into our creative briefing form. This covers all the requirements and considerations that we’ll need to keep in mind throughout the creative process.

3.         Refine & Review

Together, we’ll review the creative brief and fine tune the details - all to ensure we’re working towards the same goals.

4.         Proposal & Approval

We outline the scope of work for your project and report back with a proposal, quote and project timeline. This includes quote approval and a 50% deposit to commence work.

6.         Creative Concepts

This is where the magic happens. We get started on developing the ideas that will form an integral part of your campaign message or design. We’ll then present a range of concepts to you for review and feedback.

7.         Develop

Together with our team of experts, we work on all the elements that will bring your selected concept to life. From arranging photography to developing the design and copy, we’ll build your campaign from the ground up.

8.         Final Cut

In the last phase, we present the polished product back to you for final approval.

9.         Launch

This is the really exciting part – it’s time to launch your campaign! But it doesn’t end there. We are results driven, so we analyse the results and use the learnings to keep your brand messaging on track.